Sunday, January 25, 2015


WES responds to mass bird strandings in Bay Area. Read all about it, HERE.

California condors surprise researchers. Check out the new arrival, HERE.

The poisining of our predators. An in-depth look at use of rat poison and its impact on wildlife, HERE.

Sunday, January 11, 2015


Friday Rounds. Read about Deanna's latest rescue, HERE.

WES' Wildlife SAR training. Check out the pictures from the first class, HERE.

A call to end hunting of coyotes in California. Another great commentary by Chris Clarke, HERE.

Florida panther deaths on the rise. Read the full story, HERE.

Sunday, January 4, 2015


A new start for a rehabilitated opossum. Check out the New Years Day release, HERE.

Band-tailed pigeons return. Read all about it, HERE.

Monarch butterfly considered for Endangered status. Find out more, HERE.

Radio-collared gray wolf shot in Utah. Read the full story, HERE.