Highlights from this week include an opossum found sleeping in a whicker basket, and the freeing of yet another inadvertently trapped skunk. Read about these stories and more on our BLOG.
Now for the big news:
Inspired by one of our volunteers, WildRescue is coordinating an Earth Day event for April 23rd.
Worldwide Fishing Line Cleanup
You, too, can take part - anytime and anywhere on the 23rd - just pick a spot.
Seriously. Just pick a location near you - the shore of any ocean, lake, river or stream. Then, let us know (email) so we can add your efforts to the Map (check it out).Even in a big city you'll find manmade ponds or reservoirs where people fish. Where people fish, there will be loose, abandoned line. Abandoned line kills! Pictured here is a raven's foot, tangled in line. He was snagged on a branch, high up in a cypress tree.

Please help make a difference, won't you?