Sunday, June 12, 2011


Here is a story about a very lucky opossum that beat the odds. Check it out HERE.

In researching opossums we came across this great piece, The Opossum, Its Amazing Story. Truly amazing and worth a look.

Also, a reminder about free-roaming cats. We're in the peak of baby season for wildlife. This is the time when young  animals are just starting to explore their world. For songbirds, this means a few days on the ground as they learn to fly. During this time they are most vulnerable to predation - especially by domestic cats - an introduced animal that songbirds have no defenses against. We will be doing an entire piece on this in the coming weeks, but for now we want to suggest keeping cats indoors during the day or under a watchful eye. Here's a link to some creative ways to give cats the taste of the outdoors, without placing the outdoors on the dinner menu. 

Lastly, a reminder that your weekly Wild Byte is our gift to you for your Annual Gift of $12. (or more). Some of you are receiving this on a trial basis. Please, if you have not already done so, make that very important contribution today, by clicking HERE

This concludes your Wild Byte for 6-12-11.