Sunday, August 7, 2011


IN THE NEWS: Our recent offer to help Los Angeles City Animal Services was mentioned in an article this week. Read more about our proposal and what it could mean for wildlife in the Los Angeles area, HERE.

Duane Titus, Co-Director of WildRescue, is still working along the Yellowstone River in Montana, as part of International Bird Rescue's response to last month's Exxon pipeline rupture. Of the 59 animals he's helped rescue, 47 of them have been Woodhouse's toads. Yes, toads. How do you wash an oiled toad, you ask? See Bird Rescue's blog, HERE, to find out!

Also, check it out - we've updated our Calendar (CLICK HERE) with a number of upcoming events and classes, including a big year-end gala fundraiser in San Francisco on December 3rd, at the Fort Mason Center. Save the date!

From time to time, wildlife rehabilitation hospitals need safe places to release animals back to the wild. If you live in a rural area and own acreage, perhaps you would like to offer your property as a release site. To add your name to our list of potential locations, email us, HERE

This concludes your Wild Byte for Sunday, August 7th, 2011.