Sunday, January 29, 2012


'Bridled' grebe: This week, rescuers responded to an injured grebe at Berkeley’s Aquatic Park. It was entangled in some sort of man-made debris - possibly a rubber band. Read the whole story, HERE
On Thursday: WildRescue’s founder and director, Rebecca Dmytryk, presented two talks at the Effects of Oil on Wildlife conference in New Orleans, Louisiana. Read more, HERE.

Further reading: We recently posted two stories about an extraordinary man's efforts to help animals in his land. They are very, very moving. Please read more about Naoto Matsumura, HERE.

Bird-Safe Buildings: We'd also like to share an article, HERE, written by one of our lead responders in the East Bay, Lisa Owens-Viani. 

Sunday, January 22, 2012


Bobcat Rescue: Last weekend, WildRescue responders jumped into action to help an injured bobcat. Check out the story of its recovery and watch the video of it being returned to the wild, HERE.

Wildlife SAR training: The first of this year's classes went really well. Check out the story and watch RoboDuck in action, HERE.

Clear and Present Danger: When you have time, you might find this piece interesting. It's about window strikes - birds crashing into windows, and what you can do to reduce these casualties at your home or office. Check it out, HERE.

Sunday, January 15, 2012


Mew gull update:
 On Wednesday, Duane and Rebecca traveled to San Francisco to see if they could capture the injured mew gull snagged with a fishing lure. Click HERE to read the full story.

Book release: Rebecca Dmytryk's book, Wildlife Search and Rescue a Guide for First Responders, was officially released in the U.S. on January 5th - the book is available at a reduced rate through the author, HERE.

Changes and additions: Click HERE to view the most current schedule of our Wildlife Search & Rescue Trainings. To register for a class, click HERE. More on the trainings we offer, click HERE.

Sunday, January 8, 2012


Western screech owl: This week, colleagues from Injured and Orphaned Wildlife and International Bird Rescue worked together swiftly to save the life of a screech owl that had been accidentally sprayed by insulating foam. To read more about it, click HERE.

Mew gull: Just yesterday, our responders were on alert to rescue a mew gull, found snagged with a fishing lure. Click HERE to read the story and view the incredible photograph, courtesy of Richard Drechsler.

Red-Tailed Hawk Update: The hawk that was shot with a nail and rescued last November was observed again in the San Francisco Botanical Gardens, doing quite well. Read a first-hand account from one of our responders, HERE.

Training: For anyone interested in learning what to do when they find a wild animal in distress, our Wildlife Search and Rescue training class is next weekend, January 14th and 15th. Click HERE for more dates. To register, click HERE.
This concludes your Wild Byte for January 8th, 2012.

Sunday, January 1, 2012


A hawk in the house: This week, one of our lead rescuers, Sammarye, responded to a call about a hawk that was trapped inside a house. Read the full story, HERE.

Art Contest: We're looking for just the right label for our organic, sustainably produced coffee, check out the details, HERE.

Wild Bytes: We've received a great many compliments from readers - how they look forward to their Sunday morning Wild Bytes. We're so glad! To keep receiving your Wild Bytes, please be sure to maintain your subscription - we ask that you give just $12. a year (or more). For those who have not yet made a contribution to WildRescue in the last 6 months, please consider doing so now, HERE. Thank you!!!!!

A New Year's goose chase: Responders will be out looking for a troubled goose in Cupertino today. It reportedly has a bad leg that has worsened over the last few weeks. Wish them luck locating the ailing bird.