'Bridled' grebe: This week, rescuers responded to an injured grebe at Berkeley’s Aquatic Park. It was entangled in some sort of man-made debris - possibly a rubber band. Read the whole story, HERE.
On Thursday: WildRescue’s founder and director, Rebecca Dmytryk, presented two talks at the Effects of Oil on Wildlife conference in New Orleans, Louisiana. Read more, HERE.
Further reading: We recently posted two stories about an extraordinary man's efforts to help animals in his land. They are very, very moving. Please read more about Naoto Matsumura, HERE.
Bird-Safe Buildings: We'd also like to share an article, HERE, written by one of our lead responders in the East Bay, Lisa Owens-Viani.
Further reading: We recently posted two stories about an extraordinary man's efforts to help animals in his land. They are very, very moving. Please read more about Naoto Matsumura, HERE.
Bird-Safe Buildings: We'd also like to share an article, HERE, written by one of our lead responders in the East Bay, Lisa Owens-Viani.