Coyote saga: This week, responders made two excellent attempts to trap a coyote suffering from a severe case of mange. Click HERE to read more. For our Wild Byte subscribers ONLY, we have exclusive video of the poor animal, HERE.
Wildlife SAR classes: This week, WildRescue provided two outstanding Wildlife Search and Rescue Training classes, one in Moss Landing and the other in Burlingame. Many of the attendees were animal control officers and game wardens. Read more, HERE.
Feb. 21-23 in Berkeley - OSHA 24-hr Hazardous Waste Occasional Site Worker Course: Thanks to the generous support from a local vendor, we're able to offer this 3-day certification course, usually $400.00 or more, for only $50.00. There is still time to take advantage of this incredible offer! Email for details.
Feb. 21-23 in Berkeley - OSHA 24-hr Hazardous Waste Occasional Site Worker Course: Thanks to the generous support from a local vendor, we're able to offer this 3-day certification course, usually $400.00 or more, for only $50.00. There is still time to take advantage of this incredible offer! Email for details.