Saturday, February 25, 2012


'Tis the season of the skunk! Striped skunk mating season is here, and WildRescue has been very busy answering calls from homeowners who are experiencing problems with skunks in their yards and under their homes. Click HERE, to read more on our blog - which has some embedded video, not to be missed!

Bay Nature Institute published a very nice article about our endeavors in San Francisco. Check it out, HERE.

Update on the Western grebe with the rubber band around its neck: We believe the bird manage to break the band. A grebe with a dark spot on its neck, right where the band had been, was spotted in the area, but no other reports of it being entangled. 

Reminder: Make your plans or set your recorder so you don't miss Raccoon Nation, this Wednesday, on your PBS channel.

Laysan albatross visits Los Angeles! Check out the article, HERE. If you want to volunteer for the Fish & Wildlife Service in the Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge, HERE is the link.

Upcoming Trainings: We are looking forward to our next Wildlife Search and Rescue Training, which is scheduled for Sunday, February 12th at the Peninsula Humane Society in Burlingame, CA. It's going to be a very full class, but there is still room if you'd like to attend. HERE is the link to register. Fee waived for law enforcement - wardens, police, and animal control officers.