Sunday, August 26, 2012


Mourning Dove vs. Pressure Washer. Read the full story, HERE.

Cooper's hawk freed from parking structure. Check out the rescue, HERE.

A marmot in San Jose? Find out how it was rescued and where it is being released, HERE.

Sunday, August 19, 2012


Hawk snagged in tree. Check out the amazing video of its rescue, HERE.

Family saves entangled gull. Read about their heroic deed, HERE.

Our volunteer responders inspiring by example. Read about their adventures in the field, HERE.

Sunday, August 12, 2012


Skunk caught in batting cage net. Check out the video of its rescue, HERE.

Young raccoon caught in tree. Read the full story, HERE.

Leg-caught raccoon returned home. The youngster with its leg caught in the fence (read full story here) was returned home this week. Here's the brief video of his release. Many thanks to Wildlife Center of Silicon Valley for caring for treating him! Please consider supporting their wildlife rehabilitation program.

Sunday, August 5, 2012


Wet and emaciated pelican at Moss Landing. Check out the pictures and video of its capture, HERE

Young raccoon caught by its leg. Read the full story and watch video of its rescue, HERE.

How you can prevent entrapments and window strikes. Check it out, HERE.